Report Human Trafficking

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We are fighting against Human Trafficking

If you are in trouble or you know someone who suffered from human traffickers please call the local police on 911, Amnesty International, or any other organization protecting human rights. You can also contact us, we will do our best to help you.

Human Trafficking is a global issue of great concern.

Right now, the largest slave trade in history is taking place around the world. This slavery, called human trafficking, is a hidden evil that affects everyone, but especially women and children. Human trafficking is cloaked in darkness, confusion, fear, misunderstanding, and control, and many who try to take action, feel overwhelmed by the size of the task.

To continue in this battle against the exploitation of women and children, please see the Resources menu above with ideas on how you as an individual or as a group can pray, fundraise, create awareness and help in the effort to expose and eliminate Human Trafficking.

Have you been offered an underage girl, or do you suspect that a girl you have seen is being forced to work against her will?

Report Child Prostitution UK

Report child prostitution and sex slavery – ring Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

To learn about services for victims

To learn about state and local resources


Together we will make a difference.

Fifty Escorts Team

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