10 Tips for Having Sex with a new partner

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Looking for tips for having sex with a new companion? Whenever it’s the first time to have sex with a new person, it’s always some weird experience. Even for the most confident of us, letting someone see you naked or half-naked is some weird stuff and creates some kind of insecurity.
Here are some tips for having sex for the first time with a new partner and how to make it awesome:

Try as much as possible to not expect much.

Unless you have a plan of where to go, how to satisfy him/her, the level of pressure needed, and duration, chances are the first time will mostly be an introduction to each other’s bodies and fewer exploitations.

Try to enjoy the process.

For the fact that you are both new to one another, try not to rush the process and enjoy the process of getting to know one another and have fun. You may get to know their preferences

Pay attention

While having some intense and intimate sessions, try as much as possible to pay optimum attention to their responses to your moves. If it’s soothing, continue and make them experience the best but if you sense some resent, do well by stopping whatever you are doing and try to seek other options.

Try well to Communicate

Ask your partner questions on how well you are doing and how good you are making them feel. A few moans, groans, and expressions of enjoyment will help put your partner at ease and as such feel good and give appropriate responses too.

Be careful with what you say

Try not to spill too much about your capability in bed to your partner. Failure to do as you might have said may be very discouraging.

Be straight

Do not fake your pleasure. You will only be complicating issues if there is a second time as you will have it fake it again. Let your partner know you are not enjoying the process by communicating with them.

Having some shots isn’t a bad idea

Try to have a couple of drinks to loosen yourself up. But, being completely drunk doesn’t usually lead to the most pleasurable of experiences and it’s not in any way, a good idea.

Tips for having sex

Image by Andrea Altini from Pixabay

Embrace the grosses

Unsavory noises, body smells, and fluids all over the place can come up. Accept the fact that all these happen, and deal with them in a way that doesn’t make your new partner feel bad.

Be gentle.

Be soft! It is not just about harder and faster, but about gentleness, tenderness, and a level of comfort

Try not to build your expectations.

The more you build it up in your mind, the less likely it will be amazing. The reality is that first-time sex with someone new isn’t always as amazing as expected. In fact, it is oftentimes just OK. You don’t know your preferences well yet. So, try as much as possible not to expect too much.

But that doesn’t mean that it will always be ‘just OK’. That’s the amazing part! The key is to be open to the new experience and you will enjoy it!

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